Privacy Policy

Protecting your personal details on our website

We know that you care about the personal information that you will use on the loan application process. This notice describes our privacy policy and forms part of our website terms and conditions (“Website Terms”).

We believe it is important to protect your Personal Data (as defined in the Data Protection Act) and we are committed to giving you a personalised service that meets your needs in a way that also protects your privacy. This policy explains how we may collect Personal Data about you. It also explains some of the security measures we take to protect your Personal Data, and tells you certain things we will do and not do. You should read this policy in conjunction with the Website Terms.

When we first obtain Personal Data from you, or when you take a new service or product from us, we will give you the opportunity to tell us if you do or do not want to receive information from us about other services or products (as applicable). You can normally do this by ticking a box on an application form or contract. You may change your mind at any time by emailing us at the address below.

The data points we collect are: How much would you like to borrow, ID number, title,work number, first name, surname, age, employment period, cellphone number, employment industry, employment status, how are you paid, residency address, city, postal code, employment company, gross salary, pay day, bank name, net salary, account name, account number, account type, are you under debt review, payment frequency, email address, would you like a life or funeral insurance quote. These parts of information will get sources and collected from your application on Tholulwazi Capital.

Some of the Personal Data we hold about you may be ‘sensitive personal data’ within the meaning of the Data Protection Act, for example, information about your health or ethnic origin.

We collect and may hold personal data from you via this Website and from third party sources and use it for making decisions, providing services and servicing our relationship with you, to understand your financial needs, to assess your application for credit, to conduct our business, to provide you with better customer services and products from both ourselves and those of selected third parties, to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing of the Website and for statistical analysis. We only collect information which is necessary for the operation of the provision of our Service to you. We will not keep your personal data for longer than necessary to provide the Service, or as required by law.

We may pass this information to other members, lenders, banks, insurance companies or agents, as permitted by law so that they may do the same and they may pass information held by them about you to us so that we may do the same. In the provision of our Service to you, we may disclose your information to the following third parties who may provide us with further information about you, such third parties may also be required to disclose your information to selected third parties in relation to this application, and as required by law, such as Credit Reference Agencies, corporate groups and/or affiliate companies, any other creditor in the context of your current application form to assist you in your application, any collector or tracing agent, to any company, business or intermediary associated with us to recover debt; and/or any prospective purchaser of our company. The reason we collect your information is to perform a risk assessment and prequalify you for a correct loan. We only ask for the information we need in order to do this. Your information will be used to send to our partner, our partner will then perform a full risk assessment and decide if they are able to deliver on your loan requirements.

We reserve the right to access and disclose to third parties any information to comply with applicable laws, including but not limited to, disclosure in accordance with the Act, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and lawful authority requests, to safeguard the proper operation of our systems and to protect ourselves and our customers/prospective customers. By submitting an application form through this site, you agree that we can contact you by post, telephone and/or email (or such other channel we may adopt from time to time) to tell you about other products and services, offered by ourselves or other carefully selected companies, that we believe would be of interest to you. We may also pass your information to third party financial services companies for the purpose of them telling you about their services or products. If you do not complete the application in full, me may not be able to fulfuill our role in assisting you find finance.

All information submitted via you application is submitted voluntarily and is held safely and securely by us in accordance with the Data Protection Act. We require all parties to whom we may pass your information to treat it with the same degree of confidentiality.

If your personal information changes, if you change your mind about any of your marketing preferences, If you would like to object to the processing of your personal information, If you would like to lodge a complaint with the information regulator and would like to know their details or if you have any queries about how we use your information, please let us know by contacting our mailing exclusion team at:

All rights reserved.

Start Your Loan Application

For your own convenience, We have made it easy for you to start you application with just a click of the button. 

Contact Info

Fairbreeze Office No 23,

Princess Magogo,Ulundi,3838


T: +27 87 821 3154
C: +27 73 888 9399

Tholulwazi Capital is a registered credit provider NCRCP13761


08:00  to 17:00

08:00 to 13:00

Sunday and Public Holiday Closed